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As a 501(c)3, the Escondido History Center depends heavily on donations from people just like you.  We are also honored to accept bequests.  Please contact us for more information.

Family Photo Album

Donating Photographs & Artifacts


At this time the Escondido History Center will not be accepting any artifacts or photographs until further notice. Thank you.

Have photos in print, negative, slide, or digital formats that show Escondido people, places, and life from any time in the last 150 years?  Donating them or allowing us to scan and return them would mean glimpses into Escondido's past would be available to the public for generations to come.  We also accept artifacts related to Escondido history through manufacture or use. Please contact us for more information.  

EHC train car.jpg


321 N. Broadway

(In Grape Day Park)

Escondido, CA 92025


P.O. Box 263

Escondido, CA 92033


Research Center

Tuesday-Saturday 10am-4pm

Museum Complex

Depot: Saturday 1-4pm

Victorian:1st and 3rd Saturday


*Call ahead for confirmation


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